It could also be a MacBook Pro, or Mac mini. Drag MBP55_00AC_03B_LOCKED.scap to the Desktop The Mac you upgrade doesnt have to be a MacBook Air.Expand: Contents of MacBookProEFIUpdate.pkg -> Contents of MacBookProEFIUpdate.pkg -> Applications -> Utilities -> MacBook Pro EFI Firmware Update.app -> Contents -> Resources.Open Pacifist and then drag the MacBookProEFIUpdate.dmg into it.Install Pacifist: (or whatever software you like using to extract files).Power-On Self-Test The first thing your Mac firmware does when it powers on is. Download (MacBook Pro EFI Firmware Update 1.7) In fact, EFI will soon be known as Unified Extensible Firmware Interface. MacBook Pro EFI Firmware Update 1.2 (3): Resetting PRAM can solve a variety of issues iSight not functioning - fix more.Navigate to Apple's support site and download (opens in new tab) the Mac Pro EFI Firmware Update 1.5. Navigate to the Netkas Forums and download the MacPro2009-2010FirwareTool.zip file.

Do a clean install of Yosemite (this should be optional, but it never hurts to start clean) The overview of upgrading your firmware is to download the Firmware utility, download the firmware, run the upgrade, and finally check that it all worked out.
How to install the firmware from a MacBook Pro "Core 2 Duo" 2.26 13" onto a MacBook "Core 2 Duo" 2.26 13" (Uni/Late 09) :